Bye bye Aluminium

Did you know that aluminium actually stoppers sweat ducts?! So gross! Even worse, it is thought to be linked to breast cancer. I decided to go aluminium free about a month ago – something I had tried and failed miserably to do several times before (everything smelled gross or just didn’t work). I found myself quite a nice range, however, available in Boots (and Tesco) at a very reasonable price! Bionsen has no aluminium AND no parabens. Instead of stopping you from sweating, which at the end of the day is a natural bodily process, it uses natural minerals which are found in volcanic spas (and have been used by the Japanese for yonks) to stop bacteria from growing and neutralizing any unpleasant smell. It comes in two different spray forms and a roll on. A brilliant product! And yes, it smells lovely AND does the job 🙂